"The appearance of their sect is the refusal of the first Caliphs; but its essence is pure unbelief. Al-Ghazali
Companions' defense | |
Curse the two idols: Sanam Quraish | |
Celebrate the assassination of Omar Ibn Khattab | |
Abu Bakr: second of two | |
Lecture: Islam and Shiism | |
Umar al-Faruq Series |
Rebuttal Shi'a accusations | |
Fadak: Heritage or Sadaqa? | |
Tarawih: Sunna or Innovation? | |
Did Omar kill Fatima? |
Policy | |
Pahlavi & Khomeini | |
Khomeini, crime against humanity | |
Khamenei & Rafsanjani | |
The National Front, the Shiites and Algeria | |
Rafidith Shiites and Jews / Christians Back to Index |