1. The Beliefs of the Shi'ites about the Present Quran

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Jabir reported that he heard Imam Baqir saying: 'No one can claim that he has compiled the Quran as Allah revealed except a liar. The only person to compile it and memorise it according to its revelation was Ali ibn Abi Talib and the Imams who succeeded him. (Usul Kafi: 1:228)

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A man said that someone was reciting the Quran in the company of Imam Ja'far. The narrator said that he heard certain verses in the recitation which were not according to the recitation of the people. Imam Ja'far told the person reciting: 'Do not recite like this. Recite as the people recite until the (promised) Mahdi arrives. When the Mahdi arrives, he will recite the Quran according to its original revelation and the Qu,ran compiled by Ali will be brought forward. (Ibid: 2.622)
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Allah says in Surah Ale Imraan (32):

"Certainly Allah has chosen Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham and the family of Imraan above the (families of the) worlds."
Allamah Ali ibn Ibrahim AI-Qummi - one of the early Shi'ite commentators of the Quran said concerning this verse:

'The Imam said: 'The words: "The family of Muhammed" were also revealed along with "the family of Ale Imraan." They (referring to the Companions of the Prophet S.A.W.) removed the words "The family of Muhammad" from the original text (Al-Qummi's commentary:308). The allegation of removing the words preempts any possibility of abrogation. It is clear that the commentary is accusing the Companions of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) of distorting the Quran.
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Allah says in Surah Taha (115):

"And We had given Adam an order before, but he forgot and We did not find any resolve in him (to disobey the order)."
Imam Ja'far is reported to have said that Allah had revealed this verse with the following words:

"We had ordered Adam before with some words about Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussain and the Imams from their offspring but he (Adam) forgot." Ja'far said: 'By Allah, these were the words which were revealed to Muhammad.' (Usul Kafi: 1:416 and the footnotes of Maqbool's translation: 637)
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Allah says in Surah Yusuf (49):

"Then a year will come in which people will be given abundant help and they will press grapes." In AI-Qummi's commentary it is reported from Imam Ja'far that someone recited this verse in the presence of Ali. Ali said: 'What will they press'? Wine?' The person asked how he should read the verse. Ali replied that the verse was revealed thus: "Then a year will come in which people will he given abundant help and in which they will be given abundant rain. (Al-Qummi's commentary: 192)

The word Ya'siroon in the present Quran is in the active voice. According to this commentary it should have been read in the passive voice as Yu'saroon to alter the meaning. In the footnotes to the translation of Maqbool, it is written that this word (Ya'siroon) was changed from the passive voice to the active to suit the fancies of wine-loving khulafa (rulers). (Maqbool's translation: 479)
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Allah says in Surah Muhammad (9):

"That is because they resented what Allah revealed, so Allah in turn cancelled their deeds." AI-Qummi has stated that Imam Muhammad Baqir said that Jibreel had transmitted this verse as: 'That is because they resented what Allah revealed about Ali.' But then the apostates removed Ali's name (from the Quran). (Ibid: 1011)

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Allah says in Surah Waqi'ah (29):

"And the Companions of the Right Hand. What about the Companions of the Right Hand. They shall be among thornless lote-trees and under clusters of bananas."
One person recited this verse in the presence of Ali. Ali said that the word Talh is not.appropriate and should read Tal'a as in Surah Shu'araa (.........). Some enquired as why the word should not be changed. Ali replied that it was not the right time to do so because correcting the Quran would only confuse common people. He went on to say that among the Imams, only Imam Mahdi will have the right to reintroduce the Quran as it was during the time of the prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). (Ibid: 1067)
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Abu Mansur Ahmed Tibrisi, a prominent Shi'ite scholar of the 8th century (H), has written:

'Enumerating the distortions and omissions of this sort (from the present Quran) would become laborious and it will disclose what Taqiyyah (Shi'ite practice to conceal the 'truth' for religious purposes) requires me not to disclose: the good qualities of Allah's friends and the vices of His enemies. (AI-Ihtijaj by Tibrisi: 1:254)
Mullah Muhsin Kashani, an 11th century Shi'ite scholar comments on the above quoted statement:

'It is clear from all of these traditions and quotations from the Family of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) that the present Quran is not the complete Quran which was revealed to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). In fact, there are verses that contradict that which was revealed; verses that have been distorted and places where omissions have been made such as the names of Ali, the Family of Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and, on several occasions, there were the names of the hypocrites. Moreover, the present order of the Quran is not according to the preferred order of Allah and His Messenger. Ali ibn Ibrahim (a renowned commentator) also holds this opinion.' (Tafseer of Saafi: l:32)

2. The Beliefs of the Shi'ites Regarding Prophethood
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Allah says in Surah Baqarah (26):

"Certainly Allah does not disdain from giving a parable of a gnat or something larger."
Allamah Ali ibn Ibrahim explains that by the word "gnat" Allah refers to Ameerul Mumineen (Ali) and by the words "or something larger" He means the Prophet Muhammad (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). (AI-Qummi: 19)

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The leader of the Iranian revolution, Imam Khomeini writes:
'Every prophet came to establish justice on Earth. His aim was also to establish justice but he was not successful. The same is the position of the Seal of the Prophets who came to reform human society and establish justice but failed during his lifetime.' (Ittihad wa-yak-jihati:15)
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Mullah Fathullah Kashani, a reliable Shi'ite scholar writes about Mut'ah:

The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: 'Whoever performs mut'ah once will receive the status of Hussain. Who ever performs mut'ah twice will receive the status of Hasan. Whoever performs mut'ah thrice will receive the status of Ali and who ever performs mut'ah four times will receive my status. (Tafseer Manhajul Sadiqeen: 1:356)
[Mu'tah is to marry someone for a short period of time (temporary marriage). In this marriage, the woman does not hold the status of a wife. Mut'ah is permissible and virtuous in Shi'ite law but forbidden and sinful in Sunni law.]
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Imam Khomeini writes in his book 'A1Hukumatul Islamiyah' (52):

'It is a necessary principle of our faith that our Imams have ranks that exceed those of close angels and the appointed messengers.'

3. Shi'ite Beliefs with Regards to Ayesha - the Wife of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
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Mullah Baqir Majlisi writes:

'When Imam Mahdi arrives, Ayesha will be resurrected so that she may be given a prescribed punishment and that Fatima be vindicated.' (Haqqul Yaqeen: 347)
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The same author writes about Ayesha that "She was a traitor." (Tadhkiratul Aimmah: 66)

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Again, Mullah Baqir Majilisi comments about Ayesha (R.A.) and Hafsa (R.A.) that: "They were both hypocrites." (Hayatul Quloob: 2:745)

Imam Khomeini writes about the prestige and worth of the oft-quoted Mullah Baqir:

'Keep on reading the Persian books written by Majlisi so that you do not fall into any other such stupidity.' (Kashful Asrar: 121)
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Maqbool Dehlavi, a Shi'ite translator of the Quran, quotes Imam Baqir as saying:
'Two women poisoned the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) before his death. These are the same two women (Ayesha and Hafsa). May Allah curse them and their fathers (Abu Bakr and Omar respectively). (His translation of Surah Ale Imraan: 134)

4. What the Shi'ites believe about the Companions of the Prophet(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
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Mullah Muhammed bin Yaqoob Kulaini, the most prominent Shi'ite scholar of Hadith, quotes Imam Baqir as saying:

'People became apostates after the death of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), except for three people: Miqdad ibn Aswad, Abu Dharr Ghifari and Salmaan Farsi.'
He continues:

'Abu Bakr and Omar did not repent before they parted the world. In fact, they did not even mention what they had done to Ali. So may Allah, His angels and all of mankind curse them. (Furu'ul Kafi: Kitabul Rauda: 115)
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Mullah Baqir writes:

'Regarding the doctrine of' 'Tabarri' we believe that we should seek disassociation from four idols namely, Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman and Mu'awiyah; from four women namely, Ayesha, Hafsa, Hind and Ummul Hakam, along with all their associates and followers. 'These are the worst creation of Allah. It is not possible to believe in Allah, His Messenger and the Imams without disassociating oneself from their enemies. (Haqqul Yaqeen: 2:519)
[The doctrine of 'Tabarri' means to have no association with the enemies of Allah.]
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Mullah Baqir writes:
'One should say after each prayer: O Allah! Curse Abu Bakr, Omar, Uthman, Mu'awiyah, Ayesha, Hafsa, Hind and Ummul Hakam. (Aynul Hayat: 599)
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The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam), came to a person from the Ansaar and asked him if he had any food. The Ansaari said he had and slaughtered a goat. The man then grilled some meat and presented it to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) who wished that Ali, Fathima, Hasan and Hussain were present with him. Then Abu Bakr and Omar arrived. Ali also arrived shortly after. Allah then revealed the verse:

'We have never sent any messenger prophet or Muhaddath before except that when ever they desired something, the devil interfered in their desire.' (The Prophet then said) This is just as the devil has sent his two agents here right now (Abu Bakr and Omar). (The footnotes of Maqbool's translation: Surah Hajj: 674)
[Muhaddath is a non-prophet but he is inspired by Allah]
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Mullah Baqir Majlisi writes:

'Pharaoh and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Omar. (Haqqul Yaqeen: 342)
The same author also says:

'The references in big books about the illegitimate birth of Omar cannot be discussed in this book. (Ibid: 259)
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Allah says in Surah Nahl (90):

"And He prevents you from immorality, unlawfulness and rebellion.'
Ali ibn Ibrahim AI-Qummi comments on this verse:
'These three vices refer to so and so, so and so and so and so.' (Al Qummi's commentary: 218)

Any ambiguity is cleared by the following comment: 'Immorality refers to the first person (Abu Bakr); unlawfulness refers to the second (Omar) and rebellion refers to the third (Uthman). (Footnotes to Maqbool's translation: 522)

5. The Shi'ites Belief Regarding the family of The Prophet
(Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam)
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Mullah Baqir Majlisi writes: 'Fatima (R.A.) described Ali (R.A.) thus:

"You are hiding like a malformed foetus in a womb; you have ran home like those who are guilty of being untrustworthy and after having destroyed the strongest men on earth you have been overcome by these wimps." (Ibid: 203)
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Mullah Baqir also writes:
After hearing some women talking about Ali (R.A.) Fatima (R.A.) complained about her husband's features:

"He is a man with a big stomach. His hands are high and his bones look suppressed. He has a receding hair line, big eyes and shows his teeth all the time. He has no wealth either. (Jilalul Uyoon: 58, in the chapter on Fatima)
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The very same Mullah Baqir comments about a dream that Fatima had and establishes that the devil came to her:
'The dream Fatima had was from a devil whose name is Uhaad. (Ibid: 52)

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The renowned Shi'ite scholar Abu Mansur Ahmed Tibrisi writes:
'Abu Bakr sent Qunfudh to Ali with a delegation who entered Ali's house without his permission. Ali went for his sword but the group had already taken it away. They captured Ali and tied a rope round his neck. When Fatima tried to intervene, Qunfudh hit her. The delegation dragged Ali to Abu Bakr where Omar, Khalid bin Walid and Abu Ubaidah ibn Jarrah (R.A.) were also present with many other people. Omar severely reprimanded Ali and told him to swear allegiance with Abu Bakr. Ali then took Abu Bakr's hand and took an oath of allegiance. (Al-Ihtijaj, by Tibrisi: 83, 84)

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Mullah Baqir narrates Fatima's displeasure with regards to Ali's attitude about her in the words of Ali:

"Jibreel came to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and said "Allah sends His Salaam upon you and says that Fatima is about to come and complain about Ali. Do not listen to anything about Ali from Fatima."
When Fatima came, the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) asked her if she came to complain about Ali. She replied that she had. The Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) said: "By the Lord of the Ka'bah! Go back to Ali and tell him that you are prepared to rub your nose in dust in order to keep him happy. You may do as you please." (Jailul 'Uyoon: 61)

6. What is the Shi'ites belief about the Ahlus Sunnah Wa'l Jama'ah
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Muhammad ibn Yacoob Kulaini, the most prominent of all Shi'ite scholars of Hadith quotes Imam Baqir as saying:
"Everybody, except us Shi'ites, are illegitimate." (Furoo'u Kafi in Kitabul Raudah: 135)

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Mullah Baqir writes:

"When Imam Mahdi appears, he will start to execute the Sunni scholars before turning to the non-believers." Similar words of this hadith has also been quoted in the tafseer Majma'ul Bayan with reference to the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam). (Haqqul Yaqeen: 2:527)
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Mullah Baqir quotes Imam Zainul Abideen:
A person asked the Imam about Abu Bakr and Omar.

The Imam replied: "I have been informed that they were both non-believers and any one who befriends them (by thinking they are good) are also non-believers." (Ibid: 2:522)
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The same author quotes Imam Ali-ul-Naqi:

Imam Ali-ul-Naqi was asked about identifying the Nasibi group (those who prefer Abu Bakr and Omar over Ali): whether it was sufficient to know that they (the Nasibis) preferred Abu Bakr and Omar over Ali and that they held the Imamate of Abu Bakr and Omar in good standing. T'he Imam replied that whoever believed this was a Nasibi. (Ibid: 521)
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Again, Mullah Baqir writes about these Nasibis:

The Nasibi (one who prefers Abu Bakr and Omar over Ali) is worse than an illegitimate person. It is true that Allah has not created anything more despicable than dogs. But the Nasibi is even more degenerate in the Eyes of Allah than a dog. (Ibid: 2:516)

7. The Beliefs of Allamah Khomeni
(the Leader of the Iranian Revolution)

Allamah Khomeini mentions this scholar with great respect in his own book 'A1Hukumatul Islamiyah" (The Islamic State). In fact, Khomeini has actually used Nuri Tibiris's work entitled "Mustadrakul Wasail" to complete his theory of Wilayatul Faqih.
[Wilayatul Faqih is the Islamic jurist's right to overrule a ruling that contradicts Islamic law.]
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Khomeini writes about Abu Bakr and Omar (R.A.):

"Those people who, in their envy to rule, attached themselves to the Deen of the Prophet (Sallallaahu Alayhi Wasallam) and formed their own cliques could not possibly refrain from their actions on the bases of Quranic advice. They had to materialise their aims at any cost." (Kashful Asraar: 114)
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He also writes:

'Those who had no affiliation with the Quran and Islam except through their desire for the world and power. They had made the Qurun a vehicle to promote their agenda. (Ibid)

He has then continued to write a chapter on how to answer the critiques of the Ahlus Sunnah W'al Jama'ah with the heading: "An eye on the answers of the foolish." (Ibid: 120)

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Khomeni writes about Uthman (R.A.):
"We worship and recognise only that God Whose actions are based on concrete rationalism and Who does not rule against that rationalism. We do not worship a god who creates a building for Divine worship and justice and then strives to destroy that very building himself by giving authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyah and Uthman. (Ibid: 107)
These are but a few selected views of Majlisi, Maqbool Dehlavi, Noori and Allamah Khomeini, the leader of the Iranian Revolution. These have been presented to you without any critique or commentary. The reader should judge for himself how much he can accept these beliefs. The reader should also ask himself if the rise of Khomeini in Iran was a political revolution or whether he had an agenda to propagate the Shi'ite beliefs. Or whether it was a challenge to all of the Muslim world, or a threat to the bonafides of the beliefs of Sunnis.
Jamiatul Ulama (KZN)