According to Encyclopædia Britannica and others, the Shia are believed to have started as a political party and developed into a religious movement, influencing Sunnis and produced a number of important sects. Early in the history of Islam, the Shīʿites were a political faction (Arabic shīʿat ʿAlī, “party of ʿAlī”) that supported the power of ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (the fourth caliph [khalīfah, successor of Muhammad]) and, later, of his descendants.
- شیعیت اپنے عقائد و نظریات کے آئینے میں:اہل تشیع یا شیعیت (عربی: شيعة) اسلام کا دوسرا بڑا فرقہ ہے۔ شیعہ کی آبادی کل مسلم آبادی کا 13-10 % فیصد ہے ـ اہل تشیع رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم کے بعد فقط حضرت علی بن ابی طالب کی امامت کے قائل ہیں اور صرف انہیں رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم کا جانشین اور پہلا معصوم امام مانتے ہیں۔ شیعہ یا اہل تشیع نظریہ خلافت کو تسلیم نہیں کرتے۔ ان کا عقیدہ ہے کہ رسول اللہ صلی اللہ علیہ و آلہ وسلم نے دعوت ذوالعشیرہ اور خطبہ حجتہ الوداع کے موقع پر علی بن ابی طالب کو اپنا جانشین مقرر کر دیا تھا۔ شیعہ کا اعتقاد ہے کہ علی بن ابی طالب رضي اللہ تعالی عنہ خلیفہ اول ہیں اوراہل سنت یہ عقیدہ رکھتے ہیں کہ ابوبکررضي. ... نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسلم کی زندگی میں ہی نمازکی امامت نبی صلی اللہ علیہ وسملم کے حکم سےکروائ ۔ مزید تفصیل ملاحظہ فرمائیں ..[......]
Twelver Shia believe in the lineage of the Twelve Imams. The Twelver Shia faith is predominantly found in Iran (est. 90%), Azerbaijan (est. 65%), Bahrain (est. 70%), Iraq (est. 60%), Lebanon (est. 24%), Kuwait (est. 33%), Turkey (est. 15%), Albania (est. 10%), Pakistan (est. 10–15%) and Afghanistan (est. 15%).The Zaidi Shia are predominantly found in Yemen (est. 40%).
The Zaidi dispute the succession of the fifth Twelver Imam, Muhammad al-Baqir, because he did not stage a revolution against the corrupt government, unlike Zayd ibn Ali. They do not believe in a direct lineage, but rather that any descendant of Hasan ibn Ali or Hussein ibn Ali who stages a revolution against a corrupt government is an imam.
The Ismaili dispute the succession of the seventhi imam, Musa al-Kadhim, believing his older brother Isma'il ibn Jafar actually succeeded their father Ja'far al-Sadiq.
Ismailis believe that Ja'far al-Sadiq thought his son, Isma'il ibn Jafar "al-Mubārak", would be heir to the Imamate. However, Isma'il predeceased his father. Some of the Shia claimed Isma'il had not died, but rather gone into occultation, but the proto-Isma'il group accepted his death and therefore that his eldest son, Muhammad ibn Ismail, was now Imam. Muhammad remained in contact with this "Mubārakiyyah" group, most of whom resided in Kufah. Ismailis are dominant group in Badakhshan. They form small communities in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Uzbekistan, India, Yemen, China and Saudi Arabia and have several subbranches.
Twelver Shia or the Ithnā'ashariyyah' is the largest branch of Shia Islam, and the term Shia Muslim usually refers to Twelver Shia Muslims only. The term Twelver is derived from the doctrine of believing in twelve divinely ordained leaders, known as The Twelve Imams. Twelver Shia are also known as Imami or Ja'fari, originated from the 6th Imams name, Ja'far al-Sadiq, who elaborated the twelver jurisprudence.Doctrine
Twelver doctrine is based on five principles. These five priciples known as Usul ad-Din , which appears to be simple but in elaboration and practice go far off from the original teachings of Islam. They are as follow:
- Monotheism, God is one and unique.
- Justice, the concept of moral rightness based on ethics, fairness, and equity, along with the punishment of the breach of said ethics.
- Last Judgment, God's final assessment of humanity.
- Prophethood, the institution by which God sends emissaries, or prophets, to guide mankind.
- Leadership, A divine institution which succeeded the institution of Prophethood. Its appointees (imams) are divinely appointed.
The Twelve Imams
The Twelve Imams are the spiritual and political successors to Muhammad for the Twelvers. According to the theology of Twelvers, the successor of Muhammad is an infallible human individual who not only rules over the community with justice, but also is able to keep and interpret the divine law and its esoteric meaning. The words and deeds of Muhammad and the imams are a guide and model for the community to follow; as a result, they must be free from error and sin, and must be chosen by divine decree, or nass, through Muhammad. Each Imam was the son of the previous Imam, with the exception of Hussein ibn Ali, who was the brother of Hasan ibn Ali. The twelfth and final Imam is Muhammad al-Mahdi, who is believed by the Twelvers to be currently alive, and in occultation.
Criticism of Shi'a:
Criticism has occurred since the initial rift between the primary factions of Islam, theSunni and Shi'a. Sunni commentators have identified several aspects of Shi'a belief which they allege are incorrect and even 'heretical.' Further, Shi'a commentators and authorities have criticised practices and beliefs which have become prevalent in the Shi'a community, engaging in self-criticism in an attempt to reform the faith. Some points if criticism are:
- 1 Nikah mut‘ah [Temporary marriage]
- 2 Taqiyya (dissimulation) [Lying]
- 3 Alleged disrespect to Abu Bakr, Umar and Uthman
- 4 Self-flagellation during Ashura
- 5 Concept of imamat and child imams
- 6 Fatimah's divine revelations
- Fatwas Against Shia:Shiaism differs with Sunnism on not only political issues, but also important theological issues. Various attitudes towards Shias can be found among the worldwide majority Sunni community. Shaykh Faraz Rabbani, for example, has noted that it is not the way of Sunni Islam to make blanket takfir of Shias. He writes:...we only declare someone who denies something necessarily known of the religion to be a kafir--and this is not the case with common Shias.However, major Sunni scholars have declared the unbelief of Shias who hold certain beliefs. For example, Imam ibn Abidin, a source of authoritative fatwas for Hanafis writes:There is no doubt in the disbelief (kufr) of those that falsely accuse Sayyida Aisha (Allah be pleased with her) of adultery, deny the Companionship of Sayyiduna Abu Bakr ( Allah be pleased with him), believe that sayyiduna Ali (Allah be pleased with him) was God or that the angel Jibril mistakenly descended with the revelation (wahi) on the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him & give peace), etc which is apparent Kufr and contrary to the teachings of the Qur'an (Radd al-Muhtar, 4/453).According to Imam Ahmad Raza, the founder of the Barelwi-movement, most Shiites of his day were apostates because they repudiated necessities of religion. This includes, according to him, the following:a) to believe that Qur'an is incomplete.
b) to call it 'book of `Uthman'.
c) elevate sayyiduna `ali karram Allâhu wajhah and other imâms above the prophets salawâtAllâhi `alayhim wat taslîm.
d) if these imâms are held to be higher than even ONE prophet.
e) to allege that Allâh `azza wa jall was regretful after issuing a command and hence remorsefully, changed His earlier ruling.
f) to allege that Allâh didn't realize the wisdom of a certain ruling (or the lack of it) and when He realized it, He changed the rule.
g) to allege that RasûlAllâh SallAllâhu `alayhi wa sallam practised taqiyyah in the course of his tabligh.Those who hold the above and other such statements that amount to disbelief are kâfirs by ijmâ`a. All dealings with them are similar to those with apostates. it is in Fatâwâ Dhahîriyyah, Fatâwâ hindiyyah, Hadiqatun Nadiyyah: [aHkâmuhum aHkâm al-murtaddîn] they are to be dealt with as apostates. Nowadays, most of the rafidis fall into this category. Their scholars and commoners, men and woman all of them seem to profess the aforementioned beliefs, except Allâh willing otherwis.Other scholars who have declared Shiites as deviants or apostates:- Ibn Hazm — "Shia are not even Muslims", when Christians debating him brought a Shia book as reference.
- Ibn Taymiya
- Ibn Khaldoun — "astray people", "Shia are the source of all deviant groups in Islam history".
- Nizam al-Mulk, where he fully attacks The Rafidhun
Among the more ecumenical fatwas was a controversial statement made on July 6, 1959 by Mahmood Shaltooth, the then rector of al-Azhar theological university in Egypt, one of the main centers of Sunni scholarship, stating the following:- "The Shi'a is a school of thought that is religiously correct to follow in worship as are other Sunni schools of thought."~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Ali ibn Abi Talib, The 4Th Caliph Said:“With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority of Muslims because Allah’s hand of protection is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is a prey to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is a prey to the wolf. Beware! Whoever calls to this course [of sectarianism], kill him, even though he may be under this headband of mine.” [Ali (R.A) Sermon:126, Nahjul-Blgha]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
- Summary
- The Creed Of Shi'a From Their Own SourcesAllah
1.) He has the Quality of 'Badaa'.
2.) This means he forgets.
3.) He makes mistakes.
4.) He plans but this does not take effect.
5.) He does not know who to appoint as the next message conveyor, the next Imaam.
6.) "We (shias) do not worship such a god who gives authority to rascals like Yazid, Mu'awiyyah and Uthmaan."
7.) They say "Ali says.....I am the first and I am the last. I am the manifest and I am the hidden and I am the heir of earth."
8.) Shias say that the Imaams are the face of Allaah,
9.) The eyes of Allaah among his creation.
10.) The tongue of Allaah among his creation.
References :
(1.) Usul Kafi- Babul bad'aa - Al- Kafi Vol- 1 -P283 India Ed. ( 2.) Ibid (3.) Ibid .(4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Kashful Asraar - 107 - Khomeni.. (7.) Rijaal Kashsi . 138. India Print. (8.) Usul- e-Kaafi -83. (9.) Ibid. 10.) Ibid.
New Kalimah (Testimony Of Faith)
1.) Laa ilaaha illaahu Muhammadur Rasulullaah -Alli waliyullah, Khomeni Hujjatulillaah
2.) Laa Illaaha Muhammdur - Rasulullah, Ali waliyullah wazi Rasulullah was Khalifauhu bila Faslein"
3.) - Shia 'Islaam' based on 5 pillars - Salaat, Zakaat, Fasting, Hajj, Wilaayat.
4.) - Azaan is "Ash Hadu Anna - alian Waliullah Wasu Rasulullah was Khalifatu hu bila faslrin"
(1.) Wahdat Islaami - June 84 P1- monthly Iranian Goverment. Periodical. (2.) Ali Waliullah - Abdul Kareem Mushtaq. (3.) Usul- Kafi. 4.) Listen in Arafaat.
1.) They believe in 12 Imaams after Rasulullaah (may Peace Be Upon Him).
2.) First being Ali (R.A).
3.) Last being the 12th Imaam
4.) Who is in a Cave 'Surra - Man- Raa'.
5.) Imaams they believe are Masoom- innocent.
6.) They can make Halaal- Haraam and Haraam - Halaal .
7.) They can change Deen- Sharia.
8.) They are born of their mothers thighs.
9.) They have the knowledge of the Unseen.
10.) They say Imaams are higher in status than the Ambiyaa including our Nabi(may Peace Be Upon Him).
11.) No concession regarding Wilaayah- (absolute necessary belief).
12.) If one does not accept Imaams then one is a Kaafir.
(1.) Usul -e - Kafi. (2.) Usul -e - Kafi. (3.) Usul -e - Kafi. (4.) Usul -e - Kafi. (5.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225 / Kafi - Kitaabul Hujjuah. (6.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid /Haqqul Yaqeen P126.(9.) Usul -e - Kafi Vol 1 P225. (10.) Ibid / Al Hukumatul - Islaamiyaa - 52 Khomeni. Hayaatul Qutoob Vol 3, P10 /Ibid Vol 2. P787. Footnote. (11.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 2. P278. (12.) Usul -e- Kafi Vol 1. P225.
The 12th Imaam
1.) When he comes he will bring the original Quraan.
2.) He is in hiding, in a cave.
3.) He is alive observing the world, in totallity.
4.) When he comes, he will be naked. Rasulullaah (may Peace Be Upon Him) will swear Allegiance to him. (Allaah protect us).
5.) He will first dig the grave of Abu Bakr (R.A) and Umar (R.A),then hang them on a stake - for all sins of mankind.
6.) He will remove the body of Ayesha (R.A) and implement the same punished for Zina.
7.) He will then kill the Sunni Scholars.
8.) Punish the Muslim Ummuah.
9.) First kill Ahle - Sunnah, then Ulama, then Kuffar.
(1.) Usul-e- Kafi. (2.) Islaamic Goverment P42/ Usul -e- Kafi P340. (3.) Hukumatal Islaamia -P52. (4.) Haqqul Yaqeen 2/227- 2/347. (5.) Haqqul Yaqeen P 361/2. (6.) Also Vol 2 P 611/ Haqqul Yaqeen - P 347/ Mullah Baqir Majlisi. (7.) Furoo Kafi - Kitaabul Raudah - P 527 also Tafseer Majmanul Bayan/ Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611. (8.) Hayaatul Qulub Vol2 P 611.( 9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol 2. P 527 ASlo Maj Manul Bayaan.
1.) Not Completed.
2.) Has 17,000 Aayats.
3.) Our's has 6,666.
4.) Abu Bakr's opposed the text of the Quraan.
5.) Original Quraan with 12th Imaam Mahdi.
6.) Do not produce Haafiz.
7.) Do not perform Taraweeh.
8.) Quraan will be read/ learnt when 12th Imaam brings it.
9.) Ali (R.A) showd original Quraan to Sahabah(R.A) who rejected it.
10.) Passages mentioning virtures of Ali(R.A) has been purposefully deleted from the Quraan.
11.) There are 2,000 shiah traditions making many additions and subtractions in Quraan.
12.) The 'Murtaddeen'- renegrades have removed the name of Ali (R.A).
(1.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tibarsi approved by Khomeni in ' Al- Hukumaat -ul- Islamiyaa". (2.) Usul Kafi P671. (3.) Usul Kafi P671. (4.) Kashful Asraar P111.(5.) Usul Kafi 2-632. (6.) See Iran. (7.) See Iran. (8.) Usul Kafi - p622. (9.) Maqbool - 1067 - Usul Kafi Vol1 P228. (10.)Tafseer Ali Qummi-308 /Usul Kafi 1:416/Footnotes of Maqbool's translation 637/ Al- Ihtijaj- Tabarsi- 1-254/ Tafseer of Saafi- 1- 32/ Muqaddamah 6 , from Tafseer Saafi P32 Vol -1. (11.) Usul Kafi 1:228/ Faslul Kitaab fi Tahrif. Kitaabi Raabul Arbaa of Nuri Tabarsi.(12.) Surah Muhammad, Ayat 9, Para 26- Molvi Maqbool Dehli P1011.
Taqiyyah (Essentially Means To Lie To Hide The Truth)
1.) The believe in Taqiyya.
2.) This means 'Holy Deception'.
3.) To believe in something but express/ say something else.
4.) They say 9-10th of Deen is Taqiyya.
5.) They say, he who has no Taqiyya has no deen.
6.) There is a great reward in Lying.
7.) They say the great Imams Practised 'Taqiyya'.
8.) They say Alli (R.A), Hassan (R.A), Hussain(R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
9.) They say Hussein (R.A) practiced 'Taqiyya'.
10.) Perorm Jamaah salaat with Sunni's.
11.) Visit their sick .
12.) Perform their Janazah Salaat.
(1.) Usul -e- Kafi. (2.) Ibid. (3.) Ibid. (4.) Ibid. (5.) Ibid. (6.) Ibid. (7.) Islaamic Goverment P35/ 133 .(8.) Ibid. (9.) Ibid. (10.) Usul -e- Kafi. (11.) Ibid.(12.) Ibid.
Sahaabah (Companions)
1.) They say all Sahabah (R.A) companions except 3 left Islaam after demise of Nabi (may Peace Be Upon Him).
2.) They say Abu Bakr(R.A) Umar(R.A) and Uthmaan (R.A) robbed Ali(R.A) of his position of being Khalif.
3.) They say Umar(R.A) was a 'Original Kaafir' and 'Zindiq'-renegrade.
4.) "Abu Huraira (R.A) was one of the fuquaha, but god knows what judement he falsified for Muaw'iyya and others like him, and what damage He inflicted upon Islaam."
5.) They say Abu Huraira (R.A) used to fabricate Ahadith.
6.) They say Muawiyya (R.A) poisoined Hassan(R.A).
7.) They say Muawiya (R.A) was a tyrant opressive ruler.
8.) They say Qazi Shurray (R.A) used to issue judicial pronouncement in favour of the ruling party. He was a sinful wretch occupying position of Judge.
9.) One should dissociate with the 4 idols: Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan, Muawiyya and 4 women Ayesha, Hafsa, Harid, Umm-al-Hakam.
10.)One should curse the above after each prayer.
11.) Pharoah and Hamaan refer here to Abu Bakr and Umar.
(1.) Anwaar - No'maan Niyyah - P245. Vol 2. Nimatullah Jafaari./ Furu Kafi, Kitaabul Raudah :15 - Mullah Muhammad bin Yaqoob Kulaini Vol 3 P115/ Usul -e-Kafi Vol 2, P 246 Rijaal Kashsi P504. (2.) Al- Ihtijaaj - Tibrasi 83, 84./Haqqul Yaqeen, P 157. (3.) Haqqul Yaqeen , 551/Kashful Asraar P119. (4.) P 143 - Islam goverment. (5.) Islaamic Goverment (6.) Al-Anwaar un Nomaniyyah - Vol 2. P88-87 Jazaari.(7.) Ibid. (8.) P81, Isl/ gov. (9.) Haqqul Yaqeen- Vol. 2 P519/ Furru Kaafi P342 Vol 3/ Jilaa - ul- Uyoom -P45 - 46/ Hayaatul Quluub P 375. (10.) Ainul Hayaa P559. (11.) Haqqul Yaqeen P342.
12.) Faathima should complain about Ali's big stomach, no wealth and bad features.
13.) Abu Bakr and Umar are Kaafirs
14.) Abu Bakr is calf on Bani Israel.
15.) Ali is a mosquito and a fly.
16.) What did the Zuleikha of Makkah, Bibi Ayesha have, that the 50 year old Nabi (may Peace Be Upon Him) got moved to her.
17.) Nabi (may Peace Be Upon Him) accepted (in marriage) an uncouth person such as Hafsa. Not withsatanding the fact that she was a widow and facially deformed.
18.) Imaan refers to Ameerul- Mu'mineen- Alli Kufr refers to Abu Bakr fisq(weakness) refers To Umar isyaan(disobedient) Uthmaan in Surah Hujuraat.
19.) Umar is an illegeitimate child.
20.) Abu Bakr and Umar are worse than Shaithaan and they are dwellers of Jahannam.
21.) "When I entre Makkah and Madinah as the conqueror, my first duty will be to go to the grave of Huzoor (may Peace Be Upon Him) and exhume the bodies of the two idols."
22.)"We shia's know the three Sahabah's(Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthmaan) as being void of Imaan"
(12.) Mullah Baqir - Jilal Uyoon- 58 Chapter on Faathima.(13.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P552. (14.) Haqqul Yaqeen - Tafseer Qummi P160. (15.) Tafseer Qummi P29. (16.) Haqeeat Fiqh Hanafi P64 /Ghulaam Hussain Naqui.(17.) Ibid P124.(18.) Usul-e- Kafi P229. Vol 2.(19.) Tazkiratul Aimma - P103-4.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen - P509 - 510.(21.) Kitaab be Noujawanaan - P8.( 22.) Tajalliyaar-e-Sadaqaat - P201- Muhammed Hussain Dhelvi.
Mut'a (Temporary Marriage, Legalised Prostitution)
1.) "It is disliked but permissable to have Mutah with a prostitute, especially( it will be more enjoyable) if she is famous for her prostitution."
2.)One time 'Muta' reward is Jannat.
3.)When the couple sit in Solitude, angels protect them.
4.)Their Speech is Tasbeeh .
5.)When they touch hands, sins fall from their fingers.
6.)When they Kiss, reward of Hajj and Umrah for both.
7.)On bathing - every drop from each hair brings reward of 10 Thawabs, 10 sins drop, stages raised by 10 fold.
8.)From every drop of water, angels created to make Tasbeeh till Qiyaamat.
9.)'Muta' with believing women is like 70 times journey to Ka'aba.
10.) Contractors of 'Muta' will cross the 'Pul Siraat' like a flash of lightning.
11.) After making muta Once - The stage of Hussain is reached. After making muta twice - The stage of Hasan is reached. After making muta thrice- The stage of Ali is reached. After making Muta Fourth- The satge of Rasulullaah (may Peace Be Upon Him) is reached
(1.) Tahrirul Wasillah Vol-2 P292. (2.) Ujul - e- Hasana P15. (4.) bid.( 5.) Ibid.( 6.) Ibid. (7.) Ibid. (8.) Ibid. (9.) Ujul - e- Hasana P16.(10.) Ujul - e- Hasana P17. (11.) Tafseer Mianjajus Sadiqeen 1:356.
1.) They have their own Quraan.
2.) They have their own Ahadith Books(Usul-e-Kafi) etc.
3.) They do not believe in our Ahadith Kitaabs- Bukhari etc.
4.) They have their own Fiqh, Fiqh - Jafari.
5.) They have their own concept about Allaah.
6.) They believe that Imaams get 'Wahy' Divine Revelation.
7.) Their Aqaaid, Salaat, Azaan, Hajj, Fiqh is different.
8.) The concept of Ambiyaa (A.S) is different (they failed).
9.) Their concept of Sahaabah (R.A) is different.
10.) They Practice 'Muta'(Temporary Marriages) .
11.) Terms of Sehri and Iftaar are different.
12.) Ghusl for the dead is different.
(1.) Usul-e-Kafi .( 6.) Usul -e-Kafi .(7.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P278/ Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol 1 P280.(8.) Ijtihaad - wa- yak- jihati- Khomeni -15/ Islaamic Goverment P37/ Tehtan Times 29 June 1980/ Knomeni Imaam Mahdi Celebration. (11.) Tafseer - al- Waeelah Vol.(12.) Ibid.
13.) 4 Imaams are dogs.
14.) Ummah like Swine's.
15.) Ayesha and Hafsa are both Hypocrites
16.) Ayesha and Hafsa - Poisoned Nabi (may Peace Be Upon Him) before his death.
17.) May Allaah curse them (Ayesha/Hafsa) and their fathers (Abu Bakr and Umar).
18.) Their religion of the state of Iran is Islaam and Jafaari, Ithna Ashaari. This basis is forever, and it is not open to any amendment nor abrogation.
19.) Everybody, exept us Shites are illegitimate.
20.) Nasabi group are those who preferred Abu Bakr and Umar over Ali.
21.) It is true that Allaah has not created anything more despicable than dogs.
22.) But the Nasibi is even more despicable than dogs in the eyes of Allaah.
23.) People of Makkah openly refute existence of Allaah.
24.) People of Madinah 70 times more unclean and polluted than people of Makkah.
(13.) Tazkiratul Aimma P102- Baqir majlasi.(14.) Usul-e-Kafi Vol2 P337.(15.) Hayatul Qutub - 2:745- M.B.Majlis.(16.) Maqbool Dehlavi - Imaam Baqir- Surah Ali Imraan : 134.(17.) Ibid.(18.) Constitution . (19.) Furoo - Kafi in Kitaabul Raudah - 135/245.(20.) Haqqul Yaqeen 521.(21.) Ibid 2/516. (22.) Ibid 2/516/ Ilaalus Sharaa P299 - Shaykh Saduuq. Usul-e-Kafi P410 Vol ...( 23.) Ibid.
General Ummah
1.) Most dirty and polluted left over water is that of a sunni.
2.) Not permissable to marry sunni because they are Kaafir.
3.) Cannot eat animal slaughtered by sunni.
4.) Sunnis created from soul of Jahannam.
5.) Shia's created from soul of Jannat.
(1.) "Manlaa Yahuruldul Faqiah" - Vol 1. P8.( 2.) Tahdhidul Akaam/ Ibid Vol 3 P258. (3.) Ibid.( 4.) Usul - e- Kafi. (5.) Ibid.
Fiqh Examples
1.) Folding right hand on left hend in Salaat breaks Salaat.
2.) Sex in one's wifes anus permissible.
3.) The 9th act which breaks Salaat is saying of 'Amen' intentionally after Sura Faatiha. But this, too, is Permissible under Taqaiyyah.
4.) No cover over the head in Ihraam .
(1.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah. (2.) Tafseer - al- Waseelah- Vol.1 P280. (3.) Ibid. (4.) See - Hajj time.
Our Action
Fataawa of Rasulullah (may Peace Be Upon Him)
There is a specific Hadith about Rafida: "A sect is going to emerge who will be known by a bad connotation. They will be called Rafida. They will come neither on Friday nor in the congregational prayers. They will vilify the first generation (of Ummah). You should neither keep their company nor dine with them, nor have matrimonial relationship with them. If they fall ill do not go to greet them and if they die do not participate in their funeral prayers."
1.) Shia's because of their (peculiar) beliefs are outside the pale of Islaam and as such Kafir's. Hence Islaamic bonds like :
2.) Marriage with them ;
3.) Using their Zabiah (Slaughter) ;
4.) Saying the funeral prayer of their dead ones ;
5.) Allowing them to participate in the funeral prayer of Sunni Muslims;
6.) Making them shares in Qurbani i.e. sacrificial animals on Eid-ul-Adha ;
7.) Making them witness in the nikah of sunni Muslims ;
8.) Accepting their monetary contributions for the building of Massjid ------- all these things are not permissable (in Shariah) and should be given up forthwith.
Anyone who does not do so is outside the pale of Islaam and is similarly a Kaafir like the Shia's.
Mufti Afzal Hoosen Elias - ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Shiaism-A Critical Analysis:
Taufa Ithna Ashari (Urdu: تحفة اثنا عشرية) (Gift of Twelvers) by Shah Abdul Aziz:
Shiaism-A Critical Analysis:
Taufa Ithna Ashari (Urdu: تحفة اثنا عشرية) (Gift of Twelvers) by Shah Abdul Aziz: