Honour of household of Prophet Muhammad [peace be upon him]
The Complete Din: According to all available Traditions based on the testimony of the Prophet's contemporaries, the following passage [5:3]sets, as it were, a seal on the message of the Qur'an - was revealed at 'Arafat in the afternoon of Friday, the 9th of Dhu'l-Hijjah, 10 H., eighty-one or eighty-two days before the death of the Prophet. No legal injunction whatsoever was revealed after this verse: and this explains the reference to God's having perfected the Faith and bestowed the full measure of His blessings upon the believers. Man's self-surrender (Islam) to God is postulated as the basis, or the basic law, of all true religion (din): This self-surrender expresses: itself not only in belief in Him but also in obedience to His commands: and this is the reason why the announcement of the completion of the Qur'anic message is placed within the context of a verse containing the last legal ordinances ever revealed to the Prophet Muhammad.
Bid'ah [Deviation]: Bid'ah is any type of reprehensible innovation [Bid'ah], batter translated as 'deviation' in Islam. Though new discoveries in worldly matters, such as science, medicine and technology are acceptable and encouraged, Bid‘ah within the religion is often seen as a sin or innuendo [an indirect or subtle, usually derogatory implication in expression; an insinuation], and the Prophet, Muhammad, [pbuh] stated as such:
Islam to Destined to Prevail: "He it is who has sent forth His Apostle with the [task of spreading] guidance and the religion of truth, to the end that He may cause it to prevail over all [false] religion - however hateful this may be to those who ascribe divinity to aught beside God."[Qur'an;9:33]
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Sheikh Saaleh al Fawzaan (hafidha-hullaah) said: In reality, they (the Rafidah) are actually from the JEWS, they manifested Islam but acts of disbelief appeared from them, and at the end, their rulers actually claimed uloohiyyah (divinity), such as Al-Haakim al-Ubaydi.
Sheikh Muhammad Bin Ibraaheem (rahimahullaah) said: The trusted scholars of the ummah have never ceased to revile them (the Rafidah) in their deen and their genealogy, and they mention that they are from the offspring of the magians or the jews.
Under such an environment it is imperative to educate ourselves, and the youth about the truth of Islam by segregating the distortion of theology and the history from the Din Al-Islam preached and practiced by the Prophet and his pious companions including Ali ibn Talib. Muslims love the household of Prophet [pbuh] than Shia who orally claim, but in practice contradict. It is not intended to launch a hate campaign, or indulge in sectarianism, however the facts have to be highlighted, even though they may appear bitter to some. It is hoped that this effort would have positive effects upon those who fear Allah and desire to follow the Din Al-Islam of Prophet Muhammad [pbuh] available in pure form in Qur'an and Sunnsh of Prophet [pbuh]. This is just the beginning of an effort, it is the responsibility of each individual to discern the truth form the falsehood, Allah says:
“O believers! You are accountable for none but for yourselves; anyone who has gone astray cannot harm you if you are on the
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“Their doom is because Allah has revealed the Book with the truth; surely those who seek causes of dispute in the Book (The Qur'an) are in extreme schism (divergence).”(Qura’n;2:176)
"those who came after them, and who pray: “Lord, forgive us and our brethren who have preceded us in faith, and do not put in our hearts any rancour towards those who believe. Lord, You are the Most Tender, the Most Compassionate.”"[Qur'an;59:10]
“With regard to me, two categories of people will be ruined, namely he who loves me too much and the love takes him away from rightfulness, and he who hates me too much and the hatred takes him away from rightfulness. The best man with regard to me is he who is on the middle course. So be with him and be with the great majority of Muslims because Allah’s hand of protection is on keeping unity. You should beware of division because the one isolated from the group is a prey to Satan just as the one isolated from the flock of sheep is a prey to the wolf. Beware! Whoever calls to this course [of sectarianism], kill him, even though he may be under this headband of mine.” [Ali (R.A) Sermon:126, Nahjul-Blgha]
سید جمال الدین اسد آبادی وہ پہلے شخص تھے جنھوں نے اصل دین کی طرف واپسی کی تحریک چلائی اور فرماتے تھے : "ملت اسلامی کی بیماریوں کا واحد علاج یہ ہے کہ وہ خود کو صدر اول کے مسلمانوں کی طرح دین کے اصل قواعد کی طرف لوٹائیں۔ اصلاح شیعیت دراصل اہل تشیع مذہب میں پیدا ہونے والی وہ تحریک ہے جس کا آغاز آقای شیخ ابراہیم زنجانی کے دور سے شروع ہوا۔ آقای ابراہیم زنجانی کی 1895 عیسوی میں وفات ہوئی۔ آپ پہلی شخصیت ہیں جنھوں نے مکتب تشیع میں موجود خرافات و بدعات کے خلاف جدوجہد کا آغاز کیا۔ انہوں نے اپنی کتاب "خاطرات زنجانی" میں بہت سی رسومات اور اعمال کو جو اس زمانے کے اہل تشیع میں مروج تھیں غیر اسلامی قرار دیا۔ ان کے بعد آیت اللہ ھادی نجم آبادی نے اصلاح شیعت کی خاطر بہت سی کتب لکھیں جن میں سے "تحریر العقلاء" ان کی مشہور کتاب ہے۔ ان کے بعد آیت اللہ اسد اللہ خارقانی نے جو آیت اللہ ھادی نجم آبادی کے شاگرد تھے اصلاح تشیع میں نمایاں خدمات انجام دیں اور "محو الموھوم" نامی اعلی کتاب تصنیف کی جس کو بعد میں آیت اللہ طالقانی نے بھی شائع کیا۔ ان کے بعد ان کے شاگرد آیت اللہ شریعت سنگلجی نے اپنے استاد آیت اللہ خارقانی کی مشن کو آگے بڑھایا اور اصلاح تشیع کو پرزور اور ببانگ دھل آگے پھیلایا۔ آپ نے اہل تشیع عوام کو توحید کی طرف راغب کرنے کیلے "توحید عبادت یا یکتا پرستی" نامی کتاب لکھی۔ جلد ہی آپ نے قرآن فھمی کو عام کرنے کیلے "مفتاح القرآن" اور"براہین قرآن " نامی کتب لکھیں۔ اس کے بعد آپ نے شیعہ عقیدہ "رجعت" کے باطل ہونے کے متعلق"اسلام ع رجعت" نامی کتاب لکھی جو آپ نے اپنے شاگرد عبدالوہاب فرید تنکابنی کے نام سے شائع کیا۔ انہوں نے ایک اور کتاب "محوالموھوم" لکھی اور اس کو اپنے شاگرد "حسینعلی مستعان" کے نام سے شائع کیا۔ جس میں آپ نے یہ بات ثابت کیا کہ حضرت عیسی ع کی وفات ہو چکی اور ان کے علاوہ حضرت خضر اور الیاس بھی زندہ نہیں ہین۔ آیت اللہ شریعت سنگلجی کی شاگردوں میں احمد کسروی،علی اکبر حکمی زادہ ،سید جلال جلالی ،حیدر علی قلمداران اور ڈاکٹر صادق تقوی شامل ہیں جنھوں نے بعد میں اصلاح شیعت کے موضوع پر بہت سی کتب لکھیں،کاص طور پر علی اکبر حکمی زادہ کی کتاب "اسرار ہزار سالہ" تو بہت مشہور کتاب کے طور پر سامنے آئی جس کے جواب میں امام خمینی نے "کشف الاسرار" اور آیت اللہ خالصی زادہ نے بھی اس کتاب کے رد میں کتاب لکھی۔ مزید پڑھتے جائیں >>>>>>
"The Arbiter is Allah and to Him is the return on the Day of Judgement...."Now leave this story of devastation about which there is hue and cry all round."[Ali Ibn Abi Talib (r.a) Sermon#161 , Nahjul Balagha]
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'A'isha reported Allah's Messenger as saying: He who introduce deviations in our affairs for which there is no valid (reason) (commits sin) and these are to be rejected.—Aisha, Translation of Sahih Muslim, Book 18: The Book Pertaining to Judicial Decisions (Kitab Al-Aqdiyya)
Narrated Aisha:Allah's Apostle said, "If somebody introduce deviations [Bid'ah] something which is not in harmony with the principles of our religion, that thing is rejected."—Aisha, Translation of Sahih Bukhari, Book 49: Peacemaking
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· Islam does not expect Muslims to be ignorant, lacking in knowledge of their faith and other branches of knowledge.
· Nor does it require one to make the mosque a permanent abode, never to leave it.
· Islam also does not insist that one should live in a cave and spend his whole life there ---- Not at all.
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